Esne nota cum explosione-probatione luminum ducti, vel applicatione in specialibus ambitibus? si non, essentiale est intellegere eos recte utentes posse signanter vitam suam extendere sine aliquo detrimento effectus. Hic sunt aliquae conditiones clavis utentes explosione-probationis luminum DUXERIT:
1. Altitude limitations:
The optimal operating altitude for LED explosion-proof lights is below 2000 metris. If usage above this altitude is necessary, consult with the manufacturer beforehand. Operating these lights at higher altitudes without consultation may reduce their performance and lifespan.
2. Temperature Range:
LED explosion-proof lights are best used in environments with temperatures ranging from -20°C to 40°C. The ideal temperatus is around 20°C, with optimal performance observed within 30 days under these conditions.
3. Environmental Considerationes:
The usage environment should not compromise the surface insulation of the lights, such as exposure to gases or vapors, as well as significant vibration or shock.
4. Pollution Levels:
When used in environments with pollution level 3, LED explosion-proof lights can resist most contaminants and are available in various installation categories for different needs.
If you notice any surface damage or internal officinas damage to the LED explosion-proof lights, report and discuss the damage with your provider promptly. This ensures safe and reliable operation of the lights in your specific environment.