24 Annus Industrial FRAGOR-Probatur Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

WhichHastheHighestExplosion-ProofLevel|Cubits technical

Cubits technical

Quod habet Altissimum Explosion-Probatur Level

CREPITUS-probationem Classification: Iic gradu summa, Congere applications de iib et iia; Iib excedit iia in ranking.

Classis et LevelIgnitio Temperature et Group
IIAEthane, Propane, Acetone, Phenethyl, Ene, Aminobenzene, Toluene, Benzene, Ammonia, Carbo carbonis monoxide, Ethyl Acetate, Acidum aceticumButane, Ethanol, Propylene, Butanol, Acidum aceticum, Butyl Ester, Amyl aceticum aceticum anhydridePentane, Hexane, Heptane, Decanus, Octane, Gasoline, Hydrogenium Sulfide, Cyclohexane, Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel, PetroleumEther, Acetaldehyde, TrimethylamineEthyl Nitrite
IIBPropylene, Acetylene, Cyclopropane, Coke Oven GasEpoxy Z-Alkane, Epoxy Propane, Butadiene, EthyleneDimethyl Ether, Isoprene, Hydrogenium SulfideDiethylether, Dibutyl Ether
IICAqua Gas, HydrogeniumAcetyleneCarbon DisulfideEthyl Nitrate

Maximum superficiem temperatus: Hoc refert ad summum temperatus ut electrica cogitationes potest consequi sub pessimus certa operating conditionibus, potentia ignitos in circuitu explosive atmosphaera. The maximum surface temperature must be lower than the flammable temperature.

Exempli gratia: In environments where explosion-proof sensors are used, if the ignition temperature of the explosive gases is 100°C, then the maximum surface temperature of any component of the sensor must remain below 100°C.



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