24 Joer Industriell Explosioun-Beweis Fabrikant beschwéiert

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

InspectionBeforeExplosion-ProofElectricalInstallation|Installatioun Method

Installatioun Method

Inspektioun virun Explosioun-Beweis elektresch Installatioun

1. Explosion-Proof Markings

Explosiounsbeständeg elektresch Installatioun
Explosion-proof designations, wéi z “Exd II CT6,” soll kloer markéiert oder op der baussenzegen casing vun der Ausrüstung gegoss ginn.

2. Product Nameplate

• Explosion-proof markings;

• Explosioun-Beweis Zertifikatioun Zuel;

• Produktioun Lizenz Symbol;

• Spezifesch Ufuerderunge;

• Datum vun Fabrikatioun / Serien Zuel.

3. Overall Appearance

• Explosion-proof metal enclosures: Ensure wall thickness and surface finish (casting and argon welding) are smooth and free from irregularities to meet explosion strength standards and porosity requirements.

• Larger products should maintain effective heat dissipation and meet temperature classification needs to extend service life.

• Equipment should feature both internal and external grounding with clear grounding indications.

• Check the configuration of electrical entry devices to support necessary construction wiring.

4. Structural Rationality

Components such as decoder boxes and power supply units should accommodate a specific number of circuits and the maximum allowable current and power.



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