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Analysis of the Reasons Why the LED Explosion-Proof Light Does Not Light up

Every component of a product can impact its lifespan, so it’s crucial that all parts of a light fixture are of high quality to prevent various issues. Many customers who frequently deal with lighting fixtures might have encountered this scenario: an LED explosion-proof light not turning on. What could be causing this? Let’s explore together today!

the light went out

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD):

The LED chip can suffer damage due to electrostatic discharge, rendering the PN junction ineffective and increasing leakage current, essentially turning it into a resistor. Preventing ESD damage to electronic components is a critical task in the electronics industry. Any issue at any stage can harm the ໄຟ LED ປ້ອງກັນການລະເບີດ, leading to degraded performance.

Silver Wire Disconnection:

The internal silver wire connection in an LED light can break, causing a lack of electrical flow and resulting in a dead light phenomenon. This issue can also affect other LEDsnormal operation, especially since LEDs work at low voltages (1.8V—2.2V for red, ສີເຫຼືອງ, orange LEDs; 2.8—3.2V for blue, ສີຂຽວ, white LEDs) and are usually connected in series or parallel to accommodate different working voltages. If one LED in a series circuit has an open internal connection, the entire series will not light up, making this a more severe issue than others.

Leakage Current:

Excessive leakage current can cause the PN junction to fail, preventing the LED light from illuminating. ໂດຍທົ່ວໄປ, this issue doesn’t affect the operation of other LEDs.

Cold Solder Joint:

A cold solder joint occurs when the LED bead, or the chip, is not securely soldered. To diagnose this, heat the LED leads to 200-300°C using a lighter, then remove the heat source and connect a 3V button battery to the LED in the correct polarity. If the LED lights up but dims as the leads cool down, this indicates a cold solder joint. Heating allows the metal to expand and make contact with the internal solder point, enabling the LED to light up. As the ອຸນ​ຫະ​ພູມ decreases and the metal contracts, the connection breaks, and the LED turns off. This method is consistently effective in identifying cold solder joints.



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