Let’s delve into the impressive “iekšējās darbības” no labi zināmajām LED sprādziendrošajām gaismām!
1. Siltuma izlietne:
Sprādziendrošo lukturu būtība ir to uzlabotajā augšas un apakšas dobās konvekcijas ventilācijas dizainā. Tas ļauj ātri izvadīt iekšējo siltumu, nodrošinot, ka temperatūra ap LED mikroshēmu paliek stabila, thereby prolonging the light’s lifespan.
2. Chip:
These lights use imported, original chips, which are the key to their impressive lifespan of up to 100,000 stundas.
3. Enclosure:
The enclosure is crafted from die-cast aluminum alloy, with a surface treated for high-pressure electrostatic protection and corrosion resistance.
4. Light Fixture:
The outstanding dustproof, ūdensdrošs, and corrosion-resistant features of the light fixture stem from its high explosion-proof grade and ugunsizturīgs dizains.
This multifaceted support allows us to develop exceptional LED explosion-proof lights at our shenhai explosion-proof!