Elektriskie materiāli ir būtiski, lai atvieglotu elektroenerģijas pārvadi, un tie galvenokārt ietver vadošus un izolācijas materiālus.
Vadītspējīgi materiāli
These are the conductive components of equipment, ieskaitot kabeļu serdeņus, vadu spailes, kontaktpersonas, un elektriskie pieslēgumi. Šādiem materiāliem ir jābūt izcilai elektrovadītspējai un mehāniskai izturībai.
Insulating Materials
These are used in the electrical insulation parts of devices and cables, forming components like insulating sleeves, cable core insulation layers, and insulating covers. Insulating materials need to demonstrate superior insulation and mechanical strength.
In the context of sprādziendrošas elektroiekārtas, it is vital for both conductive and insulating materials to be highly resistant to wear. This is due to the prevalence of corrosive substances, such as acids and alkalis, in their operational environments. Turklāt, insulating materials must have a strong resistance to electrical arcing.