23 Gads Rūpnieciskais sprādziendrošs ražotājs

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Sprādziendrošu lukturu tips

Šodien, we’ll continue our exploration of industrial illumination, koncentrējoties uz sprādziendrošiem apgaismes ķermeņiem.


Explosion-proof lights vary based on the protective measures employed. Tie svārstās no ugunsdrošas, paaugstināta drošība, iekšējā drošība, zem spiediena, iekapsulēts, iegremdēts eļļā, iztīrīts, tips n, īpašiem veidiem. Šajā sesijā, we’ll delve into the widely utilized flameproof and paaugstināta drošība categories.

Ugunsdrošs tips

Indicated by the letter “d,” ugunsizturīgs type entails housing components that may produce sparks or arcs during regular operation within a robust explosion-proof enclosure. This casing withstands the pressure of internal explosions without damage, ensuring that flames and gases passing through its gaps lose energy, thereby avoiding ignition of external gases.

Paaugstināts drošības veids

Marked by the letter “e,” the increased safety type ensures that the equipment does not create sparks or arcs under normal conditions. Its design is further fortified for safety, enhancing the overall reliability and security of the equipment.



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