Fitaovana fiarovana ny asa:
Ity sokajy ity dia ahitana akanjo vita amin'ny landihazo feno, fonon-tanana, fiarovan-doha fiarovana, kiraro fingotra tsy tantera-drano, miner’s lamps, kitapo vonjy maika ho an'ny tsirairay, famantarana ny tonelina, ary takelaka famantarana elektronika ambanin'ny tany, ankoatra ny hafa.
Fitaovana fiarovana:
Anisan'izany ny pneumatic picks, fanazaran-tena elektrika, fanazaran-tena hydraulic, ary fitaovana ho an'ny elektrisianina.
Rafitra fanaraha-maso fiarovana:
These systems cover gas detection, video surveillance, personnel monitoring, production tracking, centralized monitoring of conveyor belts, along with monitoring of pumps, MPANKAFY, compressors rivotra, transmission lines, and include emergency wireless communications and dispatch systems.
Mining and Production Equipment:
The equipment in this segment consists of roadheaders, conveyors, scraper machines, sy ny maro hafa.
These products are critical for ensuring safety in production. Electrical devices must possess coal safety and explosion-proof certifications, and special products often require additional specialized certifications.