24 Taona Indostria tsy mipoaka ny mpanamboatra

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Fitaovana elektrika tsy mipoaka

Ao amin'ny sehatry ny fampiharana elektrika tsy misy fipoahana, Ny adhesives dia ilaina mba hanehoana hery fatorana matanjaka, fanoherana ny toetr'andro miavaka, ary fahamarinan-toerana mafana azo ianteherana.

Araka ny voalaza ao amin'ny “Ampahany amin'ny atmosfera mipoaka 1: Fitaovana fitakiana ankapobeny,” ho an'ny adhesive ho heverina ho stable thermally, ny Temperature Operation Cure (fandriana) range must comply with specific criteria. The lower boundary of the COT should not surpass the equipment’s minimum operating temperature, while its upper limit must be at least 20K above the maximum operating temperature of the equipment. Meeting these parameters ensures the adhesive’s adequacy in terms of thermal stability.



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