23 Taona Indostria tsy mipoaka ny mpanamboatra

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Famaritana ara-teknika

Torolàlana momba ny famokarana fitaovana elektrika tsy misy fipoahana

Ny drafitra famokarana dia mandidy ny firafitry ny fizotry ny fivoriambe ho an'ny fitaovana elektrika tsy misy fipoahana, anisan’izany ny fizarana asa, ny habetsahan'ny fitaovana tafiditra, ary ny haavon'ny asa tanana ilaina.

fitaovana elektrika porofo mipoaka-5
Ao amin'ny assembling unit na vokatra batch kely, the standard procedure involves carrying out the main assembly at a designated location. The assembly of sub-assemblies and individual parts may take place either at the same site or at a different location. This method of assembly tends to be labor-intensive.

For large-scale products, assembly processes are generally executed on an assembly line, covering both the assembly of individual parts and larger components. This approach employs specialized tools and is known for its high production efficiency.



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