23 Taona Indostria tsy mipoaka ny mpanamboatra

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Fanazavana ny Terms

Ny foto-kevitry ny Safe intrinsique sy tsy azo antoka

Ny karazana intrinsically azo antoka, antsoina koa hoe sokajy azo antoka anaty, noheverina ho azo antoka indrindra amin'ireo fanasokajiana isan-karazany tsy misy fipoahana.

intrinsically safe equipment-1
Products classified as intrinsically safe are engineered in such a way that any electrical sparks or thermal effects generated under normal or pre-defined fault conditions do not trigger explosions in the surrounding atmosphere, which may contain flammable or explosive gases.

According to the GB3836.4 standard, intrinsically safe equipment is defined as electrical devices where all internal circuits are deemed intrinsically safe.

Non-intrinsically safe variations are typically employed in areas that do not require explosion-proof measures.



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