24 Tau Ahumahi Pahū-Whakatika Kaihanga

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

CharacteristicsandHazardsofCombustionProducts|Nga ahuatanga o te mahi

Nga Ahuatanga Mahinga

Nga Ahuatanga me nga Whakamatetanga o nga Hua Whakawera

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Colorless and odorlessWhen the concentration is between 7% a 10%, it suffocates and causes death
Wai (H2O)Steam
waro haukura (CO)Colorless, haungakore, highly toxic, muramuraDeath caused by concentration of 0.5% roto 20-30 meneti
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)Colorless and odorlessShort term death caused by 0.05% kukū
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)Causing cough and vomiting
Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)SmellyShort term death caused by 0.05% kukū
Smoke and smokeVaries by composition

I tua atu i te kohu wai, he kino te nuinga o nga hua mai i te ngingiha.

Te kitenga kapua paowa, te whakararu i nga mahi whakatahi i te wa o te ahi ma te whakapouri i te tirohanga. Ko te kaha o te wera wera me te iraruke mai i te wera wera nui ka mura te ahi, te whakaputa i nga waahi whakawera hou, me te pahūtanga pea. Residues from complete ngingiha exhibit flame-retardant properties. Combustion halts when carbon dioxide levels hit 30%.

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