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AreExplosion-ProofLightsAfraidofHighTemperatures|Карактеристики на изведба

Карактеристики на изведба

Дали светилките отпорни на експлозија се плашат од високи температури?

Всушност, отпорноста на топлина на светилките отпорни на експлозија има свои граници. На пример, if a light’s casing can withstand temperatures up to 135°C, дали тоа значи дека може да толерира висока топлина? That’s not necessarily true because the solder inside the light beads has a much lower temperature tolerance. Ако на температура exceeds 100°C, the beads might fall off. Затоа, the casing temperature does not represent the internal temperature of the light, which is typically around 80°C.

In high-temperature environments like boiler rooms and paint baking rooms, boiler rooms generally don’t pose a problem, but paint baking rooms are definitely unsuitable.



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