Кога станува збор за избор на соодветна контролна станица отпорна на експлозија, има неколку клучни аспекти кои треба да се земат предвид. Разбирањето на овие може да ве води во правење информиран избор.
Достапни се различни модели, како што е BZC, ЛБЗ, LNZ, итн. Додека овие модели се разликуваат, their control principles and installation wiring are broadly similar. It’s essential to choose based on your specific needs.
The materials used in these stations vary and include stainless steel with a corrosion resistance grade of WF2, engineering plastics also rated at WF2 for corrosion resistance, and aluminum alloy known for its excellent explosion-proof properties.
Understanding the units in a control station is crucial. Many people aren’t aware of what these units represent. На пример, ‘A’ denotes the number of buttons; ‘D’ indicates the number of indicator lights; ‘B’ signifies the number of ammeters; ‘R’ represents the number of potentiometers; ‘K’ is for the number of changeover switches (two or three positions); ‘L’ for vertical mounting; and ‘G’ for hanging installation.