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HowtoChooseLEDExplosion-ProofLightPowerSupply|Избор на производи

Избор на производ

Како да изберете напојување со ЛЕД светло отпорно на експлозија

Континуираното усовршување на функциите и подобрувањето на перформансите ги направија LED светилките отпорни на експлозија сè повеќе истакнати. Изборот на вистинскиот LED извор на светлина за осветлување отпорно на експлозија стана особено критичен. Треба да се забележат следните точки:

LED напојување со светло доказ за експлозија

Барање за изолација:

Општо земено, a 16W isolated power supply is designed for a 16W capacity and is meant to fit into the светло отпорно на експлозија power tube in a factory. Сепак, its transformer is quite bulky and challenging to install. The decision mainly depends on spatial structure and specific circumstances. Типично, isolation can only reach up to 16W, with few exceeding this limit, and they tend to be more expensive. Следствено, isolators aren’t cost-effective, and non-isolated power supplies are more mainstream, being more compact with the smallest possible size up to 8mm high. With proper safety measures, isolators pose no issues, and permitted spaces can also accommodate isolated power sources.

Дисипација на топлина:

The primary factor of a cooling solution is to significantly extend the life of the explosion-proof light power supply used in factories by preventing overheating. Типично, aluminum alloy materials are used for better heat dissipation. Затоа, the beads of the LED светло отпорно на експлозија power supply are placed on an aluminum base plate to maximize external heat dissipation.

Working Current:

The characteristics of LED explosion-proof lights mean they are significantly affected by their operational environment, како што се температура changes, which can increase the LED’s current and voltage. Operating for extended periods beyond the rated current can greatly reduce the lifespan of the LED beads. LED constant current ensures that the working current remains stable despite changes in temperature, voltage, and other environmental factors.



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