23 Sena Manifattur Industrijali Prova ta' Splużjoni

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Explosion-Proof Level CT4 and CT6

CT4 and CT6 indicate operational surface temperatures, not the withstand temperatures, for explosion-proof products. Products classified under the T6 category provide enhanced safety due to their lower operational surface temperatures compared to the T4 category.

Grupp ta 'temperatura ta' tagħmir elettrikuTemperatura massima permissibbli tal-wiċċ tat-tagħmir elettriku (℃)Temperatura tat-tqabbid tal-gass/fwar (℃)Livelli tat-temperatura tal-apparat applikabbli
T1450>450T1 ~ T6
T2300>300T2 ~ T6
T3200>200T3 ~ T6
T4135>135T4 ~ T6
T5100>100T5 ~ T6

The CT4 explosion-proof motor carries an Exd IIC T4 rating and is generally used in environments where the ambient temperature is approximately 135℃.


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