L-ispiża ta ' l-installazzjoni ta ' dwal kontra l-isplużjoni tvarja skond ir-reġjun, ambjent, staġun, u tip ta 'tagħmir tad-dawl.
Per eżempju, l-ispejjeż tax-xogħol huma differenti bejn Shanghai u Shanxi, li jaffettwaw il-miżati tal-installazzjoni.
L-ispejjeż ivarjaw għal installazzjonijiet fuq strutturi għoljin f'impjanti kimiċi meta mqabbla ma 'magni tat-tħaffir.
There’s a difference between winter and summer.
Type of Light Fixture:
Installing standard indoor explosion-proof lights differs from installing explosion-proof streetlights.
Case Study:
Installing explosion-proof lights at a height of 10 meters is considered high-altitude work, requiring aerial work certifications and specialized tools, such as renting a boom lift. These are costs to consider, with each light costing over a thousand yuan. Madankollu, if multiple lights are installed, the rental cost can be shared, reducing the cost per light to around five hundred yuan.