1. Varjazzjonijiet tal-Qawwa: L-għażliet tad-dawl jiġu f'diversi settings ta 'enerġija, inkluż 1x8W, 2x8W, 1x16W, u 2x16W.
2. Metodi ta' Installazzjoni: Hemm ħames stili ta 'installazzjoni minn fejn jagħżlu – pendent, ħanek, immuntar tas-saqaf, huma virga, u guardrail.
3. Funzjonalità ta' Emerġenza: Karatteristika miżjuda hija l-funzjoni ta 'emerġenza, suitable for a single light only. This should be considered during purchase.
4. Ipprezzar: The listed price generally reflects the pendant installation cost. For other installation methods, specific inquiries are necessary, so buyers should be attentive to this detail.
5. Dust Environment Usage: In dusty environments, il IP protection level of lighting fixtures must be 65 or higher to ensure extended durability. Standard explosion-proof fluorescent lights might not meet this criterion. Buyers need to be aware of this to avoid purchasing unsuitable products.