Nws tseem ceeb heev uas yuav tau to taub tias roj thiab plua plav tawg-pov thawj khoom adhere to txawv execution qauv. Roj explosion-proof li yog certified raws li lub teb chaws hluav taws xob explosion-proof txheem GB3836, Thaum plua plav tawg-proof khoom ua raws li cov qauv kawm GB12476.
Roj explosion-proof khoom yog suitable rau tej chaw uas flammable thiab explosive gases, xws li tshuaj thiab roj noj. Qhov txawv ntawd, Plua plav-pov thawj yog tsim rau tej thaj chaw uas muaj concentration ntawm combustible plua plav.