Tus tawg kev tiv thaiv kev ntsuam xyuas, kub, tawg, thiab muaj feem xyuam rau txoj kev soj ntsuam cov khoom uas muaj hluav taws xob. Cov ntaub ntawv no yog siv los piav seb txoj kev tiv thaiv explosions, Qhov kub tshaj plaws uas cov khoom yuav khiav lag luam muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo, Hom kev tiv thaiv tawg tiv thaiv kab mob, thiab tsim kom muaj qhov chaw uas tsim nyog.
Noj Ex demo IIC T6 GB ua ib qho piv txwv
No cim qhia tias cov khoom hluav taws xob raws li ib los yog ntau explosion-proof hom nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem explosion-proof;
Raws li cov lus qhia nyob rau hauv Tsab Xov Xwm 29 Ntawm tus GB3836.1-2010 txheem, nws yuav tsum tau ua kom muaj tawg-proof fais fab tuag dais lub distinct “Ex” npav nyob rau hauv ib txoj hauj lwm mas txoj hauj lwm rau nws lub cev lwm lub cev. txuas ntxiv, Cov khoom siv lub npe yuav tsum tso cov zaub uas tsim nyog explosion-proof marking nrog rau daim ntawv pov thawj uas verifies nws
ua raws li txoj cai.
Cov zaub tawg tiv thaiv hom explosion-proof hluav taws xob khoom txiav txim seb qhov specific explosive tsis zoo noj.
Tawg Pov thawj
Tawg pov thawj | Tawg pov thawj marking | ntawv ceeb toom |
Flameproof hom | d | |
Muaj kev ruaj ntseg ntau yam | e | |
pressurized | p | |
Intrinsically muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo | tub sab | |
Intrinsically muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo | ib qho | |
Roj ntxeem tau hom ntxeem tau | o | |
Xuab zeb sau hom | q | |
Adhesive sealing hom | m | |
N-Hom N-Hom | n | Txoj kev tiv thaiv yog txwv kom muab zais raws li MA thiab MB. |
SpeciaL hom | s | Lub classification encompasses nA, nR, thiab n-concave hom |
Ntawv Ceeb Toom: Lub rooj exhibits lub prevalent tawg tiv thaiv hom hluav taws xob khoom, Cuag thaum lawv tseem tawg tiv thaiv txoj kev tiv thaiv los tsim hybrid tawg tiv thaiv hom.
piv txwv li, tsim “Ex demb” signifies ib hybrid tawg tiv thaiv hom rau cov khoom hluav taws xob, incorporating taws, muaj kev ruaj ntseg, thiab encapsulation methods.
Lub classification ntawm tsam nyob rau tej cheeb tsam prone rau roj tawg hazards:
Nyob rau tej thaj chaw uas explosive gases thiab qhov khuv vapors combine nrog cua los tsim explosive roj mixtures, Peb tsam classifications raws li qib uas phom sij yog tsim los pab:
tsam 0 (Hu ua Aav 0): Ib qhov chaw uas explosive roj mixtures continuously, nquag, los yog pheej tsis tshua muaj tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tej yam muaj tshwm sim.
tsam 1 (Hu ua Aav 1): Ib qhov chaw uas explosive roj mixtures tej zaum yuav tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tej yam tshwm sim.
tsam 2 (Hu ua Aav 2): Ib qhov chaw uas explosive roj mixtures yuav tsis tuaj tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tej yam tshwm sim, Tiam sis tej zaum yuav tshwm sim luv luv thaum abnormal tshwm sim.
Ntawv Ceeb Toom: Tej yam tshwm sim xa mus rau lub startup, shutdown, kev zov me nyuam, tu thiab tu kom zoo, Thaum abnormal muaj tshwm sim pertain rau tej khoom malfunctions los yog
tsis sib paub.
Cov correlation ntawm tej thaj chaw uas yuav raug roj explosions thiab lawv corresponding tawg tiv thaiv hom.
roj | Qhov kev kuaj ntawd kuaj pom kev ruaj ntseg kis MESG (mm) | Yam tsawg kawg yog ignition tam sim no piv MICR |
IIA | MESG≥0.9 | MICR>0.8 |
IIB | 0.9>MESG>0.5 | 0.8≥MICR≥0.45 |
IIC | 0.5≥MESG | 0.45>MICR |
Ntawv Ceeb Toom: Xav txog tej yam tshwm sim nyob rau hauv peb lub teb chaws, siv cov e-type (muaj kev ruaj ntseg) Cov khoom siv fais fab hluav taws xob txwv tsis pub tsam muaj 1, pub rau:
Wiring thawv thiab junction thawv uas tsis ua kom muaj sparks, arcs, los yog tej yam kub txias thaum lub sij hawm ua hauj lwm yog txwv kom muab zais rau hauv lub cev thiab e hom wiring seem.
piv txwv li, Cov tawg tiv thaiv designation ntawm lub BPC8765 LED tawg-prof platform teeb yog Ex demb IIC T6 GB. Lub teeb compartment yog flameproof (d), Tus tsav circuit court seem yog encapsulated (mb), thiab cov wiring compartment nta muaj kev ruaj ntseg (e) tawg-profo siv. Raws li ib tug aforementioned specifications, Lub teeb no siv tau rau hauv Zone 1.
Cov khoom qeb ntawm tus tawg-pov thawj hluav taws xob ntaus txiav txim seb nws suitability rau tej chaw explosive roj.
Explosion-proof khoom yog txhais li hluav taws xob li ntawd, raws li cov lus qhia, Tsis ignite tus surrounding explosive ib puag ncig.
li no, Cov khoom uas labeled nrog lub aforementioned tawg-prof tsim (EX demb IIC) exclusively suitable rau tag nrho cov roj explosive tej chaw, excluding thee mines thiab underground chaw.
Cov pab pawg neeg uas tawg-proof hluav taws xob ntaus txiav txim seb nws compatibility nrog specific explosive roj mixtures.
Txhais Cov Ntsiab Lus Ntawm Roj:
Nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov nkev explosive tej chaw, Tsuas yog rau thee mines thiab underground chaw (i.e., ib puas tsim nyog rau hoob kawm II hluav taws xob), explosive gases yog categorized rau hauv peb pawg, ab, B, thiab C, Raws li qhov xyaum ua tej yam kev ruaj ntseg kis los yog yam tsawg kawg yog ignition tam sim no piv ntawm cov roj mixtures. Cov roj grouping thiab ignition kub yog nyob ntawm tus concentration ntawm combustible roj thiab huab cua nyob rau tej huab cua kub thiab siab ntsws.
Txoj kev sib raug zoo ntawm cov roj explosive mixtures, pa roj, thiab qhov ntau xyaum ua tej yam kev ruaj ntseg kis los yog yam tsawg kawg yog ignition tam sim no piv:
roj | Qhov kev kuaj ntawd kuaj pom kev ruaj ntseg kis MESG (mm) | Yam tsawg kawg yog ignition tam sim no piv MICR |
IIA | MESG≥0.9 | MICR>0.8 |
IIB | 0.9>MESG>0.5 | 0.8≥MICR≥0.45 |
IIC | 0.5≥MESG | 0.45>MICR |
Ntawv Ceeb Toom: Sab laug reveals tias qhov tseem ceeb ntawm explosive roj kev ruaj ntseg kis los yog yam tsawg kawg piv correspond rau ntau theem uas yuav raug explosive gases. li no, Nws muaj nws ib qho thov kom nruj roj grouping yuav tsum tau nyob tawg-prof hluav taws xob li.
Roj pawg feem ntau yog mob uas muaj explosive gases/tej yam khoom:
Roj/kub pab pawg neeg/kub pab pawg neeg | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 |
IIA | Formaldehyde, toluene, methyl ester, acetylene, propane, acetone, acrylic acid, benzene, styrene, pa roj carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, qaub, chlorobenzene, methyl acetate, tshuaj chlorine | Methanol, ethanol, ethylbenzene, propanol, propylene, tiam sis taum, tiam sis acetate, amyl acetate, cyclopentane | hnub, cwj mem qhuav, hexane, ethanol, heptane, octane, cyclohexanol, turpentine, ntawv so ntswg, roj av (roj av), roj, pentanol tetrachloride | Acetaldehyde, trimethylamine | Ethyl nitrite | |
IIB | Propylene ester, dimethyl ether | Butadiene, epoxy propane, ethylene | Dimethyl ether, acrolein, hydrogen carbide | |||
IIC | hydrogen, roj | Acetylene | Carbon disulfide | Ethyl nitrate |
Piv txwv: Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub uas cov hazardous tej yam khoom tam sim no nyob rau hauv ib cheeb tsam explosive yog hydrogen los yog acetylene, Cov pab pawg neeg roj assigned rau qhov chaw no yog categorized li pab pawg neeg C. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, Cov khoom siv fais fab siv nyob rau hauv qhov chaw no yuav tsum adhere to cov pab pawg neeg specifications uas tsis muaj tsawg tshaj IIC theem.
Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub uas tej yam khoom tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub explosive roj yog formaldehyde, the gas group designated for this environment is classified as group A. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, the electrical equipment employed within this setting should adhere to the gas group specifications of at least IIA level. tiam sis, electrical equipment with gas group levels of IIB or IIC can also be used in this environment.
Qhov no txias group assigned to an explosion-proof electrical device determines the gas environment with which it is compatible in terms of ignition temperatures.
The temperature group is defined as follows:
Temperature limits, referred to as ignition temperatures, exist for explosive gas mixtures, defining the temperature at which they can be zes. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, specific requirements govern the surface temperature of electrical equipment used within these environments, necessitating that the maximum surface temperature of the equipment does not surpass the ignition temperature. Accordingly, electrical equipment is categorized into six groups, T1-T6, based on their respective highest surface temperature.
Ignition temperature of combustible substances | The maximum surface temperature T of the equipment (°C) | txias |
t>450 | 450 | T1 |
450≥t>300 | 300 | T2 |
300≥t>200 | 200 | T3 |
200≥t>135 | 135 | T4 |
135≥t>100 | 100 | T5 |
100≥t>85 | 85 | T6 |
Based on the information provided in the left table, a clear relationship can be observed between the ignition temperature of combustible substances and the corresponding temperature group requirements for explosion-proof electrical devices. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, as the ignition temperature decreases, the demands on the temperature group for the electrical devices increase.
The temperature classification correlates with the commonly encountered explosive gases/substances:
Roj/kub pab pawg neeg/kub pab pawg neeg | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 |
IIA | Formaldehyde, toluene, methyl ester, acetylene, propane, acetone, acrylic acid, benzene, styrene, pa roj carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, qaub, chlorobenzene, methyl acetate, tshuaj chlorine | Methanol, ethanol, ethylbenzene, propanol, propylene, tiam sis taum, tiam sis acetate, amyl acetate, cyclopentane | hnub, cwj mem qhuav, hexane, ethanol, heptane, octane, cyclohexanol, turpentine, ntawv so ntswg, roj av (roj av), roj, pentanol tetrachloride | Acetaldehyde, trimethylamine | Ethyl nitrite | |
IIB | Propylene ester, dimethyl ether | Butadiene, epoxy propane, ethylene | Dimethyl ether, acrolein, hydrogen carbide | |||
IIC | hydrogen, roj | Acetylene | Carbon disulfide | Ethyl nitrate |
Ntawv Ceeb Toom: The information provided in the above table is for reference purposes only. Please consult the detailed requirements outlined in GB3836 for accurate application.
Piv txwv: If carbon disulfide is the hazardous substance in the explosive gas environment, it corresponds to temperature group T5. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, the temperature group of electrical equipment used in this environment should be T5 or higher. mob(nurses), zoo ib yam li, if formaldehyde is the hazardous substance in the explosive gas environment, it corresponds to temperature group T2. Yog li ntawd, vim, the temperature group of electrical equipment used in this environment should be T2 or higher. It is worth mentioning that electrical equipment with temperature groups of T3 or T4 can also be used in this environment.
The equipment protection level signifies the level of protection for the explosion-proof electrical apparatus, denoting the safety rating of the equipment.
The definitions of equipment protection level for explosive gas environments are provided in section 3.18.3, 3.18.4, Thiab 3.18.5 of GB3836.1-2010.
Ga Level EPL Ga
Equipment intended for explosive gas environments features a “Loj” kev tiv thaiv, ensuring it does not serve as an ignition source during regular operation, anticipated faults, or exceptional malfunctions.
Gb Level EPL Gb
The equipment intended for explosive gas environments features a “Loj” kev tiv thaiv, guaranteeing that it does not serve as an ignition source during regular operation or anticipated fault conditions.
Gc Level EPL Gc
The equipment intended for use in explosive gas environments exhibits a “dav” level of protection and does not act as an ignition source during regular operation. Supplementary protective measures can also be implemented to ensure that it does not effectively ignite in situations where ignition sources are expected to occur frequently, such as in the case of lighting fixture malfunctions.