24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

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HowtoChooseLEDExplosion-ProofLightPowersupply|Khoom noj khoom qab nyob zoo

Xaiv tsa

Yuav xaiv LED Explosion-Proof teeb hwj huam mov

Lub continuous refinement ntawm kev ua hauj lwm thiab txhim khu kev kawm tau ua LED explosion-proof teeb qhia mas. Xaiv txoj cai LED teeb qhov chaw rau tawg-pov thawj teeb kuj yog tseem ceeb heev. Cov ntsiab lus nram qab no yuav tsum muab sau cia rau hauv qab no:

tawg pov thawj teeb fais fab mov

Yuav tsum tau muaj kev rho tawm:

Feem ntau, Ib 16W raug rho tawm hwj huam mov yog tsim rau ib lub peev xwm 16W thiab meant haum rau hauv lub tawg-pov thawj hwj huam nyob rau hauv ib lub Hoobkas. tiam sis, Nws transformer yog bulky heev thiab nyuaj rau nruab nrab. Qhov kev txiav txim mas nyob ntawm spatial qauv thiab muaj tej yam tshwm sim. feem ntau, kev rho tawm tsuas mus txog 16W, qhov txwv no, Thiab lawv yuav kim kim tshaj plaws. tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, rho tawm tsis raug nqi zoo, thiab cov khoom uas tsis yog-rho tawm fais fab khoom siv yog mainstream ntau mainstream, Yog compact nrog lub me me tau luaj li 8mm siab. Nrog rau kev ruaj ntseg ntsuas, rho tawm teeb meem tsis muaj teeb meem, thiab tso cai rau tej qhov chaw yuav pab kom cov hwjchim rho tawm.

Tshav kub Dissipation:

Qhov zoo tshaj yuav ntawm ib cov kua txias yog los ho cuag lub neej ntawm lub tawg-pov thawj fais fab mov siv nyob rau hauv factories los tiv thaiv overheating. feem ntau, aluminum alloy khoom siv rau cov cua kub dissipation. Yog li ntawd, vim, beads ntawm lub beads ntawm lub beads LED tawg-pov thawj teeb Hwj huam mov yog muab tso rau ib aluminum puag phaj rau maximize lwm tshav kub dissipation.

Ua hauj lwm tam sim no:

Cov cim ntawm LED tawg-pov thawj teeb txhais hais tias lawv yog ho cuam tshuam dab tsi los ntawm lawv tej chaw ua hauj lwm, xws li txias kev hloov, Uas yuav ua rau tus LED tam sim no thiab voltage. Operating for extended periods beyond the rated current can greatly reduce the lifespan of the LED beads. LED constant current ensures that the working current remains stable despite changes in temperature, voltage, and other environmental factors.



Tau ib tsocai ?