Raws li haiv neeg kev kho tshiab, Roj noj yog ua nyob ib ncig ntawm peb. Lawv omnipresence ua lub neej convenient, Tsis tau cov protocols kev ruaj ntseg, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hais txog kev tiv thaiv, qhia tseem ceeb heev. Yuav ua li cas roj noj kom zoo tawg tiv thaiv?
1. Tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj txiv neej-made qhib hluav taws kub:
Tseem ceeb heev chaw thiab components ntawm roj noj, xws li cov canopies, nyob ib ncig ntawm roj dispensers, roj tso roj tso tsheb hlau luam, chav ua lag ua luam, thiab adjacent chaw, xws li fais fab los yog generator chav tsev, tswj nruj tsis pub haus luamyeeb. Mas tsis pub haus luam yeeb yog mandatory nyob rau hauv chaw ua hauj lwm thiab chaw ua hauj lwm. Tej chaw uas qhib taws li canteens thiab boiler chav yuav tsum tau nyob deb ntawm cov aav tseem ceeb heev, tswj thiab xyuas los ntawm cov neeg ua hauj lwm tshwj xeeb, nruab nrog stringent hluav taws kub kev ruaj ntseg thiab tsim nyog firefighting khoom.
2. Static Hluav Taws Xob Sparks Tiv Thaiv:
Muaj plaub txoj kev yooj yim mus mitigate static hluav taws xob hazards:
1. Txo static tiam:
Roj noj yuav txo static them tiam los siv cov roj unloading lub nruab tsis txhob splashing txoj kev, xaiv tsim nyog unloading nozzle hau, minimizing bends thiab valves hauv pipelines, and controlling the speed of unloading and refueling.
2. Preventing static accumulation and accelerating charge dissipation:
Regardless of the methods used to control static generation, it’s impossible to eliminate static electricity entirely. tiam sis, preventing the accumulation of static charges from reaching the discharge voltage can effectively prevent static electricity-related accidents. This necessitates speeding up the discharge of static charges, typically through hauv pem teb and cross-bonding of tanks, pipelines, and dispensers. The use of plastic barrels for light oils is prohibited, and specialized static-dissipative devices are required for oil sampling. Tanker trucks must be properly grounded during unloading.
3. Preventing High Potential Spark Discharges:
To avoid spark discharges caused by high electrical potential, tanker trucks should only unload after a specified settling time, and manual measurements should not be conducted immediately after unloading. Personnel in explosion-prone areas must wear anti-static clothing and avoid actions that might generate static electricity, like putting on or taking off clothes.
4. Preventing Explosive Gas Mixtures:
To minimize the risk of explosive sib tov sib xyaw, measures include preventing oil leaks and ensuring closed oil unloading and vapor recovery systems to reduce oil vapor concentration.
3. Preventing Sparks from Metal Collisions:
In areas prone to fire and explosions, sparks generated by the collision of metal tools are a significant ignition source that must be addressed.
1. Causes:
Improper use of tools during maintenance or measurement in oil tank wells can generate sparks from metal collisions. mob(nurses), zoo ib yam li, repairing fuel dispensers or performing vehicle repairs within refueling areas can also lead to spark generation.
2. Preventive Measures:
Gas stations should equip specially designed soft metal (copper) tools for use in hazardous areas. Vehicle repairs in refueling or tank areas are strictly prohibited, as is striking a fuel nozzle against a tank opening.
4. Preventing Electrical Sparks:
The electrical equipment used in gas stations should be selected according to national standards for the appropriate explosion-proof grade and type, fundamentally preventing electrical sparks from igniting combustible roj sib tov sib xyaw.
Operator Precautions:
1. In fire and explosion risk areas requiring auxiliary lighting, explosion-proof flashlights should be used, as ordinary flashlights can generate electrical sparks.
2. Without approval from professional technicians and safety authorities, operators must not tamper with or change the explosion-proof grade or type of electrical equipment.
3. The use of mobile phones in refueling areas and tank zones is strictly forbidden.
4. Electrical equipment repairs or replacements should be performed only by professionals.
5. Preventing Lightning-Induced Sparks:
The electrical effects and static and electromagnetic induction of lightning can generate spark discharges or arcs. If such sparks occur in hazardous areas, they might ignite explosive gas mixtures.
Preventive Measures:
1. To prevent spark generation, such as grounding for lightning protection and avoiding the accumulation of induced charges. Electrical facilities in Zones 0, 1, Thiab 2 should be selected according to standards; reliable grounding should be installed in the canopy areas of refueling zones to prevent direct lightning strikes; the static grounding of fuel dispensers, hoses, and unloading areas should be maintained effectively.
2. During frequent lightning, cease refueling and unloading operations and cut off the power supply to prevent the formation of explosive gas mixtures and induction voltages in electrical facilities.