Thaum installing, Thov ua raws li cov lus qhia nruj me ntsis thiab xyuas kom meej tias installation los ntawm ib tug tub txawg.
1. Qhib lub davhlau chamber npog, Txuas nrog lub cables los ntawm lub cable gland rau lub terminals, Ensuring ob leeg sab hauv thiab lwm av wires yog kom txuas nrog. Tom qab paub tseeb hais tias muaj tsis muaj yuam kev, kaw lub hau, secure it with fasteners, and tighten the nuts to seal the cable. The device is ready for use upon completion.
2. During the installation of explosion-proof boxes and in hazardous situations, do not open the cover while the power is on. Extra care must be taken to protect the explosion-proof joint surfaces during maintenance; avoid scratching them. After maintenance, apply anti-rust oil on the joint surfaces, and only use the device after securing it with screws and washers.
3. Regularly inspect the tawg-proof tis for any damage to components. The installation inclination of the distribution box should not exceed 5 degrees.
4. If used outdoors, a rain cover should be fitted to prevent water ingress and rust. Install the box in a location with a lower risk of danger, away from collision risks, cua sov, and as much as possible, in a corrosion and moisture-resistant area to extend its service life.