24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

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Khoom Qauv

Qauv thiab specification ntawm Explosion-Proof Distribution Box

Explosion-proof lighting tis thawv thiab txee tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau hom qauv. Lawv sib txawv ntawd cov ntaub ntawv, xws li hlau thiab taws-retardant yas; nruab nrab, xws li vertical, dai, zais, los yog cov neeg uas raug tus kab mob no; thiab voltage theem, xws li 380V thiab 220V.

tawg pov thawj faib box-3

1. YAIM, GCS, thiab MNS muaj tsawg-voltage thim switchgear txee.

2. GGD, GDH, thiab PGL muaj tsawg-voltage tsau switchgear txee.

3. XZW yog ib lub thawv comprehensive tis.

4. ZBW yog ib lub box-type substation.

5. XL thiab GXL yog tsawg-voltage tis txee thiab siv qhov chaw thawv; XF rau hluav taws xob tswj.

6. PZ20 thiab PZ30 koob yog davhlau ya nyob twg lighting tis thawv.

7. PZ40 thiab XDD(R) thawv fais fab thawv.

8. PXT(R)K-□/□-□/□-□/□-IP□ koob specifications yog txhais raws li nram no:

1. PXT rau qhov chaw-mounted tis thawv, (R) rau concealed installation.

2. K indicates hauv wiring txoj kev.

3. □/□ rau rated tam sim no/short-time nrogstand tam sim no: e.g., 250/10 Qhia tau hais tias ib tug nyob tam sim no ntawm 250A thiab ib short-time nrogstand tam sim no ntawm 10kA, Uas yuav txo tau raws li ib tug neeg muas zaub yuav tsum tau.

4. □/□ rau inlet style: □/1 rau ib zaug xwb input; □/3 rau peb-theem input; 1/3 sib xyaw.

5. □ rau outlet circuits: ib zaug xwb circuits; peb theem circuits, e.g., 3 ib zaug xwb 6 circuits, theem peb-theem 3 circuits.

6. □/□ rau lub ntsiab hloov hom kev tiv thaiv/kev tiv thaiv; e.g., 1/IP30 rau ib zaug xwb-theem loj switch/IP30 tiv thaiv; 3/IP30 rau peb theem loj switch/IP30 tiv thaiv.

9. Hluav taws xob schematic tooj:

1. JL rau metering thawv PXT01 koob;

2. CZ rau thom khwm PXT02 koob;

3. ZM rau teeb lub thawv PXT03 koob;

4. DL rau cov hwjchim PXT04 koob;

5. JC rau metering thiab thom khwm PXT05 koob;

6. JZ rau metering thiab teeb thawv PXT06 koob;

7. JD rau metering thiab hwj huam thawv PXT07 koob;

8. ZC rau teeb thiab thom khwm PXT08 koob;

9. DC rau cov hwjchim thiab thom khwm PXT09 koob;

10. DZ rau cov hwjchim thiab teeb thawv PXT10 koob;

11. HH rau hybrid function box PXT11 koob;

12. ZN rau ntse box PXT12 koob.

10. Hluav taws xob txee naming codes:

AH rau high-voltage switchgear;

AM rau high-voltage metering txee;

AA rau high-voltage tis txee;

AJ rau high-voltage peev xwm txee;

AP rau cov hwjchim uas tsis muaj voltage fais fab tis txee;

AL rau low-voltage lighting tis txee;

APE rau cov hwjchim fais fab tis txee;

ALE rau kev kub ntxhov lighting tis txee;

AF rau tsawg-voltage load hloov txee;

ACC los yog ACP rau low-voltage peev xwm them txee;

AD rau ncaj tam sim no tis txee;

Ntawm zam tsoos teeb liab txee;

AC rau tswj vaj huam sib luag txee;

AR rau relay tiv thaiv txee;

AW rau metering txee;

AE rau excitation txee;

ARC rau low-voltage leakage circuit breaker txee;

AT for dual fais fab qhov chaw automatic hloov txee;

AM for multi-source power distribution cabinet;

AK for knife switch cabinet;

AX for power socket cabinet;

ABC for building automation controller cabinet;

AFC for fire alarm control cabinet;

ABC for equipment monitor cabinet;

ADD for residential wiring cabinet;

ATF for signal amplifier cabinet;

AVP for distributor cabinet; AXT for terminal junction box.

Example of GCK:

The first ‘Gdenotes a distribution cabinet;

The second ‘Csignifies drawer-type;

The third ‘Krepresents control.


The first ‘Gdenotes a distribution cabinet;

The second ‘Gstands for fixed type;

The third ‘Drepresents power distribution box. Other examples like 1AP2, 2AP1, 3APc, 7AP, 1KX, li ntawd., are common codes used in engineering distribution systems. These are arranged by designers and aren’t strictly standardized.

tiam sis, they follow certain patterns, e.g., AL for distribution boxes, AP for power distribution boxes, KX rau tswj thawv, thiab lwm yam. piv txwv li, 1AL1b qhia ib hom B tis thawv ntawm txoj hauj lwm 1 ua ntej; AT-DT denotes ib elevator tis box; 1AP2 refers rau ob txoj hauj lwm hwj huam tis thawv rau hauv pem teb ua ntej.



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