24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


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Ceev faj rau txhua hnub Maintenance thiab kho explosion-Proof teeb

Nyob rau hauv txoj kev ua lag luam tshuaj, Txog 80% Ntau lawm workshops muaj ib co flammable thiab explosive khoom. Yog li ntawd, vim, Yog hais tias tsis zoo kawm thaum lub maintenance tawg-proof teeb, kev huam yuaj yooj yim.

Ceev faj

1. Nquag tshem tawm plua plav thiab av tawm ntawm lub plhaub tawg-pov thawj teeb txhim khu efficiency thiab tshav kub dissipation. Txoj kev ntxuav tu yuav tsum tau raws li tus tiv thaiv muaj peev xwm ntawm lub teeb plhaub, xws li siv dej tsuag tsuag (teeb cim nrog Yin thiab saum toj no) los yog so nrog ib daim ntaub so ntswg. Thaum uas ntxuav dej txuag tau, Lub hwj huam yuav tsum muab txiav tawm, Thiab nws yog nruj me ntsis forbidden so lub plhaub yas (pob tshab) Ntawm lub teeb uas muaj ib daim ntaub qhuav los tiv thaiv static hluav taws xob.

2. Xyuas tej yam marks rau lub pob tshab pob tshab thiab Seb tus tiv thaiv nuj yog xoob xoob, ua tsis taus, los yog corroded. Yog li ntawd, yog li ntawd,, tsis txhob siv lub teeb thiab kho kom sai li sai tau.

3. Yog lub teeb puas ntsoog, tig lub teeb tam sim ntawd thiab ceeb toom rau hloov to prevent electrical components like ballasts from being in an abnormal state for a long time due to the inability to start the light source.

4. nyob rau tej cheeb tsam humid, promptly clear any water accumulation inside the lamp cavity of lights and replace sealing parts to ensure the shell’s protective performance.

5. When opening the lamp cover, follow the warning sign’s instructions to cut off the power supply before opening the cover.

6. Upon opening, also check whether the explosion-proof joint surface is intact, whether the rubber sealing parts have hardened or become sticky, if the wire insulation layer is turning green or carbonized, and whether the insulating parts and electrical components are deformed or scorched. If these issues are found, timely repair and replacement are necessary.

7. Before closing the cover, lightly wipe the light reflector and transparent parts with a damp cloth (tsis ntub dej) to improve light efficiency. Apply a thin layer of 204-1 replacement anti-rust oil on the explosion-proof joint surface. When closing the cover, ensure that the sealing ring is in its original position to function effectively.

8. The sealed parts of the light should not be frequently disassembled and opened. Patent area road sealing technology aligns with national explosion-proof new technology standards.

The above are the maintenance and repair precautions for explosion-proof lights compiled by the editor, hoping to assist everyone in maintaining and repairing their explosion-proof lights.



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