24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Tawg Pov thawj Threading Box/

Tawg pov thawj threading box YHXE-IIZ

Yam:Tawg Pov thawj Threading Box


kos:Ex db eb IIC T6 Gb,Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db

IP Ntsuam xyuas:IP66

Qauv Naj Npawb:YHXE-IIZ


Keeb Kwm:Zhejiang, Tuam Tshoj

Product Weight(kg):0.1

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『Click ntawm no mus download cov khoom PDF: Tawg pov thawj threading box YHXE

Technical Parameter

tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe

Tawg pov thawjKev tiv thaiv ntawm kev tiv thaivAntixosion qib
Ex db IIB T6 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db

Khoom nta

1. Aluminum alloy die-casting plhaub, tom qab txhaj tshuaj peening, Qhov chaw yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam rau high-voltage electrostatic spraying;

2. Raug stainless hlau fasteners nrog kev kawm los tiv thaiv corrosion kev kawm;

3. Muaj ntau txoj kev thiab specifications rau lub inlet thiab outlet.

tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe-iiz-5
tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe-iiz-6
tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe-iiz-7
tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe installation dimensions-1
tawg pov thawj threading box yhxe installation dimensions-2

Cov Uas Tau Txais Kev Pab

1. Aluminum alloy die-casting plhaub, tom qab txhaj tshuaj peening, Qhov chaw yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam rau high-voltage electrostatic spraying;

2. Nws muaj feem xyuam rau qhov chaw nyob Zone 1 tsam thiab Tsam 2 of explosive nkev;

3. Nws muaj feem xyuam rau qhov chaw nyob Zone 21 Thiab 22 of combustible plua plav ib puag ncig;

4. Suitable rau IIA, IIB thiab IIC explosive roj ib puag ncig;

5. Siv rau T1-T6 txias Haiv;

6. Nws yog ib qho uas yus tej chaw xws li roj exploitation, roj refining, kev lag luam, chaw nres tsheb yam lig, offshore roj platforms, nb, hlau processing, thiab lwm yam. Raws li qhov zoo sib xws thiab xa cov kev taw qhia hloov ntawm steel pipe wiring.

tuam txhab profile-2 chav tsev peb daim ntawv pov thawjexhibition

Q: Koj puas hoobkas los yog trading tuam txhab?
A: Peb yog ib lub Hoobkas thiab muab OEM cov kev pab. Peb cov khoom tseem ceeb yog tawg-pov thawj teeb, tawg-proof tis, tawg-prof cable gland, tawg-profo kiv cua, tawg-pov thawj junction box thiab los tiv thaiv corrosion & plua plav & teeb dej.

Q: Daim ntawv pov thawj uas koj muaj?
A: Peb tau kis ATEX, IECEx, Thiab muaj ntau lub teb chaws Patents.

Q: Koj cov khoom siv nyob rau hauv?
A: Lawv yog lug siv nyob rau hauv cov tshuaj petroleum, aerospace, thee fais fab tuag, railway, metallurgy, shipbuilding, Tshuaj, marine, caw-txiav txim siab, hluav taws, municipal, chaw nres tsheb yam lig thiab lwm industries.

Q: Kuv muaj ib tug qauv txiav txim?
A: Muaj, Peb txais tos cov qauv ntsuam xyuas thiab ntsuam xyuas zoo. Mixed samples yog txais.

Q: Koj muaj peev xwm customized?
A: Muaj. Thov qhia rau peb thiab tshawb kom paub tseeb tias tus tsim ua ntej raws li peb cov qauv.

packing tus me nyuam


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