24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Cov Uas Tau Txais Kev Pab

Dab tsi yog qhov yuav tsum tau explosion-Proof teeb nyob rau hauv warehouses me Warehouses

Qhov siab ntawm warehouses me warehouses feem ntau tsis surpass peb meters. Nyob rau hauv tej teev, Nws yog advisable opt rau low-powered, Ceiling-mounted LED tawg-pov thawj teeb nrog ib sab illumination angle.

Such ceiling-mounted fittings won’t obstruct the arrangement of items in the warehouse. Low-powered lights with a broad beam angle offer gentle illumination, minimizing eye strain and work interruptions. ntxiv thiab, LED lights are noted for their energy efficiency and extended lifespan, contributing to lowered maintenance expenses.



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