24 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Yam Ntxwv

Dab tsi yog siv explosion-Proof Threading Boxes

Explosion-prof threading thawv yog pivotal hauv safeguarding chaw uas yuav raug explosive pub leej twg, Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov zej zog thiab qauv frameworks ntawm vaj tse. Cov thawv no ua hauj lwm thaum cable installation, Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum cable paths tshaj specified lengths los yog encounter uneven terrains, necessitating ib chav tsev ntxiv rau seamless continuity.

explosion proof threading boxes

Material Composition

Fabricated from cast aluminum alloy, explosion-proof threading boxes undergo a spray molding process for their exterior, endowing them with significant corrosion resistance. This quality ensures they meet the required standards for explosion-proof environments.

Operating Principle

The fundamental principle of these threading boxes is to isolate sparks generated during the operation of electrical devices from qhov khuv and explosive materials nearby. By confining potential ignition sources within their structure, they play a crucial role in averting explosions, thereby enhancing safety in environments prone to such hazards.



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