Kab tias ntau tsis tau paub tawg-pov thawj tis thawv, Tab sis yog ib tug ntawm lawv notable kom zoo dua yog lawv exceptional explosion-proof kev kawm. No feature tau ua tawg-pov thawj tis thawv qhia nrov.
1. Ensure the internal and external joints of the tawg-proof tis are secure and regularly check for any loosening of fasteners. Tighten immediately if any loosening is detected.
2. When installing the explosion-proof distribution box, pass the cables through the sealing rings and metal washers, and use a compression nut to ensure a tight seal. Unused cable entries should be sealed with sealing rings and metal washers.
3. Before installing an explosion-proof distribution box, verify that the technical parameters on the nameplate meet the actual requirements of use.
4. Always disconnect the power supply before carrying out any maintenance or inspection of the explosion-proof distribution box.
It’s important to remember these checks before installing an explosion-proof distribution box to avoid installation errors and ensure its proper functioning.