विस्फोट-प्रूफ विन्डो एयर कन्डिसनरहरूले कम्प्याक्ट डिजाइन र झन्झट-रहित स्थापनाको गर्व गर्दछ. अनिवार्य रूपमा, they’re operational immediately after plugging in, परम्परागत विस्फोट-प्रूफ मोडेलहरू द्वारा आवश्यक व्यापक तार र पाइपिंगको आवश्यकतालाई बाइपास गर्दै. तिनीहरूको पोर्टेबिलिटी एक महत्त्वपूर्ण प्लस हो, विशेष गरी मोबाइल संरचना र कार्य प्लेटफर्महरूको लागि. साथै, their straightforward circuitry makes troubleshooting and repairs relatively effortless.
यद्यपि, these units tend to be noisier than their split-type counterparts and offer suboptimal cooling performance. They’re also less energy-efficient, leading to higher electricity consumption. Improper installation can result in noticeable vibrations, and generally, their lifespan is shorter than that of split-type air conditioners.
The aforementioned drawbacks have contributed to the gradual decline of explosion-proof window air conditioners in the market.