विस्फोट-प्रूफ जंक्शन बक्सहरू तिनीहरूको नाली प्रविष्टिहरूको आकारको आधारमा वर्गीकृत गरिन्छ।, देखि लिएर 1/2 इन्च सम्म 3 इन्च. यसमा आकारहरू समावेश छन् 1/2 इन्च, 3/4 इन्च, 1 इन्च, 1.2 इन्च, 1.5 इन्च, 2 इन्च, 2.5 इन्च, र 3 इन्च. यसबाहेक, these junction boxes come in ten distinct design specifications, each suited to different installation requirements:
1. Type A: Straight Run Flat – Ideal for linear conduit connections.
2. Type B: Direct Pass Flat – Designed for straight-through cable routing.
3. Type C: T-Pass Flat – Suitable for T-shaped conduit intersections.
4. Type D: Cross Pass Flat – Used for cross-shaped conduit junctions.
5. Type E: Elbow Pass Flat – Perfect for right-angle bends in conduits.
6. Type F: Straight Run Hanging – Optimized for vertical linear connections.
7. Type G: Direct Pass Hanging – Facilitates straight-through cable routing in suspended installations.
8. Type H: T-Pass Hanging – Ideal for T-shaped intersections in overhead conduits.
9. टाइप I: Cross Pass Hanging – Designed for cross junctions in suspended conduit systems.
10. Type J: Elbow Pass Hanging – Best for right-angle turns in hanging conduits.
Each of these types is crafted to provide seamless and secure connections in various विस्फोटक वातावरण, ensuring safety and reliability in hazardous industrial settings.