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HowtoChooseGoodQualityExplosion-ProofLighting|उत्पादन चयन

उत्पादन चयन

राम्रो गुणस्तर विस्फोट-प्रूफ प्रकाश कसरी छनौट गर्ने

1. एलईडी जीवनकाल उत्कृष्टता:

एलईडी विस्फोट-प्रूफ बत्तीहरू प्रिमियम एलईडीहरूले सुसज्जित छन् जुन सम्मको प्रभावशाली आयु प्रदान गर्दछ। 50,000 घण्टा, दीर्घकालीन विश्वसनीयता र प्रदर्शन सुनिश्चित गर्दै.

विस्फोट प्रमाण प्रकाश -2

2. विद्युत आपूर्ति अखण्डता:

The caliber of the LED explosion-proof light’s power supply directly influences the longevity and efficiency of the LED source. Opting for a high-quality power supply minimizes LED degradation.

3. Robust Protection Standards:

Assess the protection level of LED explosion-proof lights by examining the casing’s ability to withstand water, धुलो, जंग, र विस्फोटहरू, ensuring safety and durability in hazardous environments.

4. Efficient Heat Management:

Consider the heat dissipation capabilities of LED explosion-proof lights to maintain optimal performance and extend the life of the lighting system.



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