23 वर्ष औद्योगिक विस्फोट-प्रूफ निर्माता

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

IftheExplosion-ProofLightIsBroken,CanIReplaceItwithAnotherLightBulb|रखरखाव विशिष्टताहरू

मर्मत विशिष्टताहरू

यदि विस्फोट-प्रुफ लाइट भाँचिएको छ, के म यसलाई अर्को लाइट बल्बले बदल्न सक्छु?

वास्तवमा, explosion-proof lights are not about the bulb being explosion-proof; the bulbs are still standard.

विस्फोट प्रमाण प्रकाश -2
Whether it’s incandescent, energy-saving, induction, or LED lights, they are just light sources and not inherently explosion-proof. They are housed within a thick glass cover, which isolates the bulb from the air, preventing the bulb from shattering and causing fires or explosions.



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