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IsItNormalforNewlyReplacedCoalGastoMakeaHissingSoundWhenTurnedon|प्रदर्शन विशेषताहरू

प्रदर्शन विशेषताहरू

के यो भर्खरै प्रतिस्थापन गरिएको कोल ग्यासको लागि सक्रिय हुँदा हिसिङ आवाज बनाउन सामान्य छ

It’s normal to hear a sound when activating a gas cylinder.

ग्यास परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस्
ग्यास, सामान्यतया ग्यासयुक्त अवस्थामा, तरल बनाउन सिलिन्डरमा दबाब दिइन्छ. Opening the cylinder’s valve triggers the conversion of this liquid gas back to its gaseous form via a pressure-reducing valve, a process that generates noise due to pressure changes.

साथै, as gas exits the outlet, it creates friction with the gas pipelines, resulting in a hissing noise. This sound is evident upon opening the gas cylinder and dissipates once the cylinder is closed.



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