23 वर्ष औद्योगिक विस्फोट-प्रूफ निर्माता

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

विस्फोट-प्रूफ एयर कंडीशनर के हो

वातानुकूलित क्षेत्रले हालैका वर्षहरूमा द्रुत वृद्धि अनुभव गरेको छ, स्थिर-फ्रिक्वेन्सीबाट इन्भर्टर एयर कन्डिसनरसम्मको प्रविधिमा निरन्तर प्रगतिको साथ. विस्तृत वर्गीकरणमा विस्फोट-प्रमाण समावेश छ, formaldehyde-हटाउने, र हावा शुद्ध गर्ने एयर कंडीशनरहरू, अरूको बीचमा. The evolution of products brings not only enhanced safety but also greater energy efficiency and improved health benefits.

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विस्फोट-प्रूफ एयर कंडीशनरहरू, in particular, are specialized versions based on standard air conditioning technology. They retain all essential functions of a regular air conditioner but are also adapted for use in numerous unique environments. Their compressors and fans are specially treated for explosion-proof suitability, making them ideal for use in areas like military facilities, research institutions, and hazardous material storage.


At its core, an विस्फोट-प्रूफ एयर कंडीशनर maintains the fundamental aspects of a conventional air conditioner but with an upgraded electrical system, including explosion-proof treatments for compressors, प्रशंसकहरू, and circuitry. It incorporates an electrical control system with opto-isolated solid-state relays as the central component, ensuring comprehensive explosion-proof integrity. This upgrade simplifies both structure and operation while maintaining the basic air conditioning functions, thus enhancing safety in environments with mixed gases.



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