24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

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AreCoalSafetyCertificatesandExplosion-ProofCertificatestheSame|Zofunika zaukadaulo

Mfundo Zaukadaulo

Ndi Zikalata Zoteteza Malasha ndi Zikalata Zotsimikizira Kuphulika Zofanana

Kuperekedwa ndi kuchuluka kwa ziphaso zosaphulika ndi chitetezo cha malasha zimasiyana kwambiri.

chizindikiro chachitetezo cha malasha
Za kutulutsidwa, satifiketi yotsimikizira kuphulika imaperekedwa mwachindunji ndi National Electrical Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center kapena maulamuliro ena ofunikira.. Motsutsana, the coal safety certificate is exclusively issued after inspection by the National Safety Mark Center, marking a substantial distinction.

Regarding the scope, the explosion-proof certificate is designed for environments with zophulika hazardous gases and is predominantly used in Class II locations. Mosiyana, the coal safety certificate is strictly for use in Class I environments, where gaseous explosive hazards like methane zafala.



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