24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Makhalidwe Antchito

Ndi Magetsi Otsimikizira Kuphulika Kwamadzi

Magetsi osaphulika sakhala opanda madzi.

kuphulika umboni kuwala-10
Mfundo yoteteza moto (chotsekedwa) magetsi osaphulika ndikupatula gwero loyatsira ku mpweya wophulika. Zosungira zawo sizimasindikizidwa kwathunthu ndipo zimakhala ndi mipata yaying'ono. Mipata imeneyi imagwira ntchito yofunika kwambiri popewa kuphulika; as the lawi passes through these narrow spaces, it encounters resistance and heat dissipation, reducing the heat to levels insufficient to ignite explosives. For requirements that demand both explosion-proof and chosalowa madzi kuthekera, ensure the casing’s protection rating is specified as IP65 or IP66.



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