24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Makhalidwe Antchito

Kufotokozera Kolondola kwa Flameproof Kuphatikizidwa ndi Intrinsically Safe

Zosayaka moto

Kwenikweni, teremuyo “osayaka moto” zikutanthauza kuti chipangizo chikhoza kukumana ndi kuphulika kwa mkati kapena moto. Chofunika kwambiri, zochitika izi zimakhalabe mkati mwa chipangizocho, kuonetsetsa kuti palibe chokhudza chilengedwe chozungulira.

zotsimikizira kuphulika ndi zida zachitetezo chamkati

Intrinsic Safety

“Chitetezo chamkati” pertains to a device’s malfunctioning in the absence of external forces. This includes scenarios like short circuits or overheating. Crucially, such malfunctions, whether internal or external, do not lead to fires or explosions.

These concepts are primarily applicable to devices used in coal mining, oil, ndi gasi wachilengedwe magawo. For detailed and certified information, it is advisable to consult the national safety standards website.



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