24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

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Explosion-ProofAxialFanMaintenanceGuide|Njira Zosamalira

Njira Zosamalira

Umboni Wophulika wa Axial Fan Maintenance Guide

1. Onetsetsani kuti valavu yachitetezo pa fan ya axial proof proof imayankha; ngati sanayankhe, sinthani kuti mutsimikizire kugwira ntchito kotetezeka.

umboni wa kuphulika kwa axial flow fan-1
2. Yang'anirani ngati mafuta akuchucha kapena akutuluka mpweya; funsani wopanga nthawi yomweyo ngati izi sizingakonzedwe.

3. Sungani malo aukhondo a fani, keeping the fan’s surface, and its intake and exhaust clear of obstructions. Routinely remove any dust and debris from the fan and its ductwork.

4. Axial fans require a sufficient and stable power supply, with dedicated power lines.

5. Replace bearing grease as needed based on usage or at irregular intervals, ensuring the fan is well-lubricated during operation; lubrication should occur at least once every 1000 hours for sealed and motor bearings.

6. Keep the fan in a dry location to protect the motor from moisture.

7. Should the fan operate abnormally, cease operation and conduct repairs promptly.

Always follow the manual when operating an explosion-proof axial fan to ensure it is maintained properly and operates efficiently.



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