Malinga ndi GB3836.1-2010 “Chigawo cha Explosive Atmospheres 1: Zida Zonse Zofunikira,” zida zamagetsi zomwe sizingaphulike zidapangidwa kuti zizigwira ntchito mumlengalenga. Zomwe zimachitikira mumlengalenga zimaphatikizapo:
1. Kuthamanga kwa mpweya kumayambira 0.08 ku 0.11 MPa;
2. An mpweya concentration of 21% (ndi voliyumu) mu mpweya wabwino, with other inert gases like nitrogen constituting 79% (ndi voliyumu);
3. An ambient kutentha between -20°C and 60°C.
The operational environment of electrical equipment is vital for its safety. Mwachitsanzo, explosion-proof electrical devices are often specified to operate in temperatures between -20°C to 40°C. Lower atmospheric pressure, which implies thinner air, can adversely affect the cooling efficiency of electrical devices. Likewise, fluctuations in atmospheric temperature influence cooling performance, directly affecting the device’s operational efficiency.
When electrical equipment’s designed environment diverges from the actual atmospheric conditions, it’s crucial to adjust the parameters, particularly for high-power devices, to maintain safety standards.
The designated operational environment temperature, set during the design phase, outlines the permissible temperature range for the equipment’s operation. This environment temperature forms the foundation for all the equipment’s performance indicators. Discrepancies between the actual and designed environments can lead to underperformance or, pazovuta kwambiri, zolephera. Specifically for zida zamagetsi zosaphulika, exceeding the prescribed temperature range could compromise the explosion-proof integrity of certain types.
Komanso, the air’s oxygen content significantly affects the safety of explosion-proof electrical devices. Operating equipment intended for zophulika components in an “oxygen-rich” setting may pose risks. M'malo oterowo, the altered kuyaka properties of flammable gases can challenge the normal function of equipment designed for standard conditions.