24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Kusankha katundu

Momwe Mungasankhire Bokosi Loyenera Kuphulika-Umboni Wowombera

Veteran clients familiar with explosion-proof threading boxes know that there’s a diverse range in terms of design. Lero, let’s delve into some common varieties.

mabokosi otsimikizira kuphulika-1
1. Mitundu Yotengera Mapangidwe: Mabokosi osaphulika osaphulika amabwera m'njira zosiyanasiyana. Zojambula zofala zimaphatikizapo molunjika, njira ziwiri, njira zitatu, ndi mabokosi anayi. Each type has its unique cable exit configuration.

2. Specifications and Dimensions: The size and specifications of these boxes vary based on the threading size.

3. Pricing Strategy: The cost of these boxes is determined by their design and threading specifications. Choncho, when purchasing an explosion-proof threading box, it’s crucial to select the type that genuinely meets your needs. Avoid the temptation of lower prices that might not suit your requirements.



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