24 Chaka Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Ndi Kuphulika-Umboni Wosintha Mvula

Momwe ziyenera kukhalira, masiwichi osaphulika amateteza mvula.

Izi ndichifukwa choti ma switch awa nthawi zambiri amakhala amtundu wosayaka ndipo amakhala ndi chitetezo cha IP55 kapena IP65. The “5” muzowerengera izi zikuwonetsa chitetezo ku jets zamadzi ndi kulowa kwa madzi amvula. Chifukwa chake, additional waterproofing isn’t necessary.

You can refer to the IP protection levels. If the second digit is greater than 3, it indicates rainproof capability!



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