Equipo ya nsa̲di A nt'ets'i pa ar xe̲ni ar Explosión ar Polvo 21 se caracteriza por una temperatura superficial máxima de TA 85°C. Jar entornos ya nu'u mahyoni da da mä 'met'o explosiones, Ndähi tsa̲ da contener materiales inflamables ne explosivos komongu ar gases, Vapores, polvo, ne fibras. Explosions can occur when these substances come into contact with sparks, Llamas, certain temperatures, or specific air pressures. It is therefore critical to take measures to prevent such explosions.
Xe̲ni 20 | Xe̲ni 21 | Xe̲ni 22 |
'Nar mbo jar ximha̲i explosivo jar ar ndähi neki ñäñho ja ar nubes polvo combustible, nuna ar dängo Nxoge xingu ya pa wa xi frecuencia. | Xeni ho xi aparecer ambientes explosivos jar ndähi wa aparecer ocasionalmente ja ya nubes polvo combustible Nxoge ar funcionamiento normal. | Ja ar proceso operación normal, 'Nar mbo jar ximha̲i explosivo jar ar ndähi dets'e nubes polvo combustible ar imposible da ocurra jar xeni ho ar instrumento nuna ar dängo nu'bu̲ hingi maa 'nar período ya pa. |
This highlights the importance of adhering to strict safety standards, especially in industrial environments where explosivo materials are present. The use of Class A devices, with their specified maximum surface Tsoxpa, is a key strategy in mitigating the risk of explosions. These devices are designed to operate safely within explosive atmospheres by limiting their surface temperatures below the ignition temperatures of the surrounding inflamable materiales.
The implementation of such safety protocols ensures that operations in hazardous areas remain secure and explosion-free, thereby protecting both personnel and infrastructure.