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CommonFaultsofExplosion-ProofAirConditioners|Metody konserwacji

Metody konserwacji

Typowe usterki klimatyzatorów przeciwwybuchowych

Wyciek wody:

Powszechny problem, 40% usterek wynika z wycieków, głównie z powodu nieprawidłowego montażu klimatyzatorów w wykonaniu przeciwwybuchowym lub zatkanego odpływu na skutek braku czyszczenia. Usterki te wymagają zaangażowania profesjonalnych techników z sieci informacyjnej branży przeciwwybuchowej.

Klimatyzator przeciwwybuchowy-2

Wysoki poziom hałasu:

Often due to the outdoor unit of the explosion-proof air conditioner not being securely installed, resulting in vibrations during startup. Another issue might be faulty outdoor unit fan blades; replacement can resolve this. For inherent compressor noise, replacing parts or, in extreme cases, discarding the unit might be needed.

Unpleasant Odor:

The vented air from the klimatyzator przeciwwybuchowy might carry a strong odor, potentially causing health issues. This typically occurs when the indoor unit’s condenser accumulates dirt and mold due to infrequent cleaning, risking respiratory ailments. To clean, simply apply a specialized reagent onto the condenser. You’ll promptly notice dark debris being expelled from the outdoor pipe. A clean discharge indicates all dirt has been removed.

Inadequate Cooling:

A frequent summer problem. The first thing to check is the refrigerant level. Dodatkowo, reasons like a dirty unit or insufficient space for the outdoor unit can lead to poor cooling. If none of these are the culprits and the unit still fails to cool, it’s time to call a professional.

Electrical Tripping:

What should you do if the explosion-proof air conditioner trips after running for some time? Początkowo, check the power line. If not correctly connected or if smaller wires have been used over an extended period, it may cause the air conditioner to trip. This scenario is infrequent as installers are generally aware of this problem.



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