Având în vedere natura unică a cutiilor de joncțiune rezistente la explozie, personalizarea acestora la cerințe specifice este crucială. Înțelegerea semnificației numerelor de model ale acestor cutii este deosebit de importantă.
Diagrama ilustrează excelent semnificațiile numerelor de model ale cutiilor de joncțiune rezistente la explozie, evidenţierea zonelor care merită o atenţie specială:
1. The number of branches or circuits, commonly available in 4, 6, 8, 10 circuite.
2. The current rating for each circuit.
3. The need for a main switch, and the required current capacity for it.
4. Inlet and outlet methods for the junction box, including the size and specifications of the thread.
5. Corrosion resistance considerations: whether anti-corrosion measures are needed and the level of protection, such as WF1 or WF2 standards.
6. The explosion-proof grade is typically IP54, but higher levels can be achieved with prior specification during customization.
7. Material: Three common materials are used for explosion-proof junction boxes. The first type, typically used in factories, is made of cast aluminum alloy and is more affordable. The second type is constructed from welded steel plates, and the third type uses 304 sau 316 oţel inoxidabil.
This detailed explanation of the model numbers is essential in the practical context. Manufacturing an cutie de joncțiune antiexplozie requires providing an electrical schematic and a list of electrical components.