24 An Producător industrial antiexploziv

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

WhattoPayAttentiontoWhenInstallingExplosion-ProofLights|Specificații de instalare

Specificații de instalare

La ce să acordați atenție atunci când instalați lumini antiexplozive

Când vine vorba de instalarea luminii antiexplozie, câteva considerente cheie pot spori în mod semnificativ siguranța și atractivitatea estetică:

explosion proof light installation-1
1. Poziționarea joncțiunii: Carefully align the light fixture’s joints with the steel pipes and place the shielding plate above the fixture for better protection and visual appeal. Always ensure the power is disconnected before any installation.

2. Handling Precautions: Avoid touching the lights directly during use, as their surfaces can become extremely hot. Direct contact can lead to unnecessary accidents. Always turn off the power before replacing bulbs to enhance safety.

3. Safe Usage: For optimal safety, use electrical components provided by the manufacturer. Selecting the appropriate ballast is crucial when replacing bulbs to prevent any potential issues.



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