1. انسٽاليشن جو طريقو:
ڌماڪي جي پروف ۽ غير ڌماڪي واري روشني جي وچ ۾ هڪ فرق انهن جي تنصيب جو طريقو آهي. ڌماڪي جي پروف برقي ڊوائيسز جو هڪ نازڪ پاسو اهو آهي ته انهن کي گرائونڊ نه ڪيو وڃي جيئن گرائونڊنگ آساني سان چمڪ پيدا ڪري سگهي ٿي.. اضافي طور تي, پاور لائينون عام طور تي ڌماڪي جو ثبوت ۽ شعاع-retardant آهن, and shock protection is designed to prevent the outer casing of explosion-proof lights from becoming electrified or from sparks igniting explosive mixtures when contacting conductors at different potentials. The differing wiring also directly impacts the range of use for each type.
2. Lampshade Material:
One difference between explosion-proof and non-explosion-proof lights is the material of the lampshade, but this is the only difference. Explosion-proof lampshades are made from high-strength glass and metal mesh, and naturally, the application environment varies.
3. Usage Environment:
One difference between explosion-proof and non-explosion-proof lights is their usage environments. Both types of lights, collectively referred to as lighting fixtures, are used in production, ذخيرو, and rescue. ان کان علاوه, explosion-proof fixtures, in addition to ensuring the safety common to all lighting fixtures, have varying ignition points depending on the harmful gases or dust present in different ڌماڪيدار ماحول. اهڙيء طرح, during normal operation or in case of a malfunction, the ignition point of explosion-proof fixtures varies. تنهن ڪري, the surface گرمي پد of an explosion-proof light must be lower than the temperature in an explosive environment.