24 سال صنعتي ڌماڪي-ثبوت ڪاريگر

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Explosion-ProofAirConditionerFaultRepair|سار سنڀال جا طريقا

سار سنڀال جا طريقا

ڌماڪي جو ثبوت ايئر ڪنڊيشنر جي غلطي جي مرمت

1. Winding Short Circuit

This malfunction primarily arises from the compromised insulation of windings, ويجھي ڪنڊن جي وچ ۾ شارٽ سرڪٽ جي ڪري. اهڙا شارٽ سرڪٽ ڪرنٽ وڌندا آهن ۽ موٽر برٽ آئوٽ به ٿي سگهن ٿا. واحد-مرحلي موٽر لاء, it’s crucial to detach the external connections and utilize a multimeter in resistance setting to gauge the resistance between terminals C, ايس, سي, آر. A reading below the standard indicates a short circuit in the winding, necessitating the replacement of the affected coil. For three-phase motors, the resistance between terminals should be measured using a multimeter set to R×10. Equal resistances suggest the motor is in good condition. A notably low resistance between any pair of terminals signifies a short circuit, while an infinite resistance indicates winding burnout.

ڌماڪي جو ثبوت ايئر ڪنڊيشنر-24

2. Winding Open Circuit

For addressing an open circuit in the winding of an explosion-proof air conditioner’s compressor motor, firstly disconnect the external wiring. پوءِ, measure the resistance between the C, آر, ۽ سي, S terminals. An infinite resistance reading confirms the presence of an open circuit, requiring prompt repair.

3. Winding Grounding

This fault typically occurs when the wire with damaged insulation makes contact with the compressor’s casing. To diagnose, use a multimeter set to resistance to check the resistance; one probe should contact the terminal face, while the other should touch the metal part exposed on the process pipe. A minimal resistance reading indicates گرائونڊنگ, necessitating the opening of the casing for insulation rectification.

4. Relay Malfunction

Issues often arise from uneven or sticky contacts and need immediate attention. The remedy involves opening the relay and smoothing the contacts with fine sandpaper. In cases of severe damage, prompt replacement is advisable.

5. Three-Phase Compressor Startup Failure

The following are potential causes and solutions for this issue:

1. Thin power lines leading to a significant voltage drop during startup necessitate the use of suitable wiring.

2. Phase failure or internal breakage in the power line.

3. Asynchronous closure of the three-phase contacts in the contactor.

4. Overheating and overload of the ڌماڪي پروف ايئر ڪنڊيشنر موٽر. Prolonged high temperatures can heat the motor’s stator winding, damaging its insulation and shortening its lifespan.
عام طور تي, excessive exhaust pressure, inadequate motor ventilation, or high ambient temperatures are to blame for motor malfunctions in explosion-proof air conditioners.



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