24 سال صنعتي ڌماڪي-ثبوت ڪاريگر

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WhatDoesExplosion-ProofElectricalAppliancesMean|وضاحت جا شرط

شرطن جي وضاحت

ڌماڪي جو ثبوت برقي سامان جو ڇا مطلب آهي

Explosion-proof electrical appliances typically involve enclosing a standard electrical device within an explosion-proof casing. هي ڪيسنگ خطرناڪ گيسن ۽ مٽي کي داخل ٿيڻ کان روڪي ٿو ۽ اندروني برقي فالٽ مان چمڪائڻ. اهي ڊوائيس عام طور تي خطرناڪ ماحول ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن, جهڙوڪ ڪيميائي پودون, بارودي سرنگون, تيل جا ميدان, آف شور پليٽ فارم, ۽ گئس اسٽيشنون, where national regulations mandate the use of explosion-proof equipment.

ڌماڪي جو ثبوت برقي سامان

حفاظتي معيار:

Manufacturers of explosion-proof electrical appliances must possess various certifications, including explosion-proof qualification certificates and production permits. For export and certain industries, additional certifications are necessary. مثال طور, marine explosion-proof appliances must have CCS certification from the classification society. When exporting to other countries, certifications like the American ABS and European ATEX are often required. ان کان علاوه, large domestic and international petrochemical companies demand their network certificates, such as those from Sinopec, CNOOC, and CNPC. The explosion-proof industry has numerous relevant certifications, and the issuing authority of these certificates is crucial, with more authoritative being better.



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