1. Explosion-proof Enclosures
Explosion-proof enclosures must be clean and intact, පැහැදිලි සලකුණු සහිතව. වැනි අවස්ථාවන්හිදී පිපිරුම්-ප්රතිරෝධී හැකියාව නැතිවීම සිදුවේ: ඉරිතැලීම්, වෑල්ඩින් විවරයන්, හෝ ආවරණයේ පැහැදිලි විරූපණයන්; ජාතික පරීක්ෂණ ආයතන විසින් අනුමත නොකරන ලද පිපිරුම් ආරක්ෂිත කොටස් භාවිතය; rust inside or outside the enclosure exceeding 0.2mm in thickness; ineffective locking devices; loose, ඉරිතලා, or non-explosion-proof windows; connection or junction boxes without insulation; and insufficient electrical clearance or creepage distance.
2. Explosion-proof Joint Surfaces
The surfaces of explosion-proof enclosures should be smooth, සම්පූර්ණයි, and rust-protected. Loss of explosion-proof capability is indicated by: insufficient length or diameter of plane and cylindrical explosion-proof surfaces, improper surface finish, excessive gap between motor shaft and bore, improperly covered motor junction boxes, missing bolts, or improperly compressed spring washers.
3. Cable Entry Devices
Loss of explosion-proof capability in cable entry devices occurs when: sealing rings or baffles are missing, causing looseness; the inner diameter of the sealing ring exceeds the cable’s outer diameter by more than 1mm; multiple sealing rings are used in one entry or multiple cables pass through a single hole; and when sealing rings are cut open, preventing full coverage over the cable, or when other layers between the sealing ring and cable are separated.
4. රැහැන් ඇදීම
Loss of explosion-proof capability in wiring is indicated by: exposed core wires or shielding layers in rubber sheathed cables, significant cracks in the cable, disorganized wiring in switches, ability to push or sway steel ropes, and when sealing rings are placed directly on the lead sheath of armored cables, or when cable insulating heads are cracked.
5. Sockets and Lighting Fixtures
Improper connections of explosion-proof sockets or lack of explosion-proof protection devices, and explosion-proof lights without screwless sockets or without interlocking devices, indicate a loss of explosion-proof capability.